Dear Church Family,
We just wanted to write to you and let you know how much we love and appreciate each one of you! We know in our church family that some are facing very difficult situations, so please know we are praying for you and that our God is able!
Proverbs 3:5 Trust the Lord with all your heart and he will direct our paths!
May was a very busy time for our church family. We honored our Mothers and we honored our Graduates! Also, we had a house warming for our Associate Pastor, Bro. Jason, Ashley, and family! Our Awana program ended with a bang with many
kids working hard to memorize verses.
We also welcome to our church family Tyler and Katie Smith, their children Tristin and
Haddie. Katie is also expecting a beautiful baby girl in July! Congratulations! Also, Reed and Sawyer Scoggins were baptized into our church family! As we look forward this Sunday, June 4th, we will dedicate our new sanctuary officially to theLord with a covered dish meal following.
We will also have a church-wide/community event on
June 11th at 5:00 PM at the pavilion. We will celebrate our Fathers on June 18th in the morning service! We start our V.B.S. on June 19th through June 23rd!
June 11th at 5:00 PM at the pavilion. We will celebrate our Fathers on June 18th in the morning service! We start our V.B.S. on June 19th through June 23rd!
Then, on June 28th, I will be flying to Israel for a wonderful experience in the Holyland.
Remember to always: Pray for one another! Encourage one another!
Give unto the Lord!
Remember to always: Pray for one another! Encourage one another!
Give unto the Lord!
His Servant,
Bro. Charles